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Short URL converter to Link

Short URL Converter to Link 

Hi. Dear My Friends,
today we're going to learn how to edit the destination URL of your custom short link and this is a great way of keeping your branded links up-to-date with the most relevant information hi everyone my name is Avijit Bayen here for rebrand Lee calm and today we're going to go through an extremely handy feature of custom short links that allows us essentially to change the destination URL of a branded link after it's been created as many times as we want and this is incredibly useful for a number of reasons you can update an incorrect or a dead link you can point users to a new location regularly update a static link to point people to the most recent post this is great for Instagram to update UTM parameters within the destination URL so let's get started in rebrand Li this process is super simple and can be done in a matter of seconds so what we're gonna do is go to your dashboard where you'll see all of your links organized choose the link you wish to change and select the edit button next simply click the pencil icon beside the destination URL here you're free to edit the link in any way maybe you want to change a few parameters in the link itself maybe you want to redirect to just the homepage of the site or maybe you want to send people to an entirely different destination altogether whatever you decide simply change the link in this section here then click Save that's it your link has now been updated in real-time to an entirely new destination anyway you posted that branded link previously people clicking on it now will be brought to your new destination so let's recap you open your Bradley dashboard find the link you want to change click the edit button click the pencil icon beside the destination URL update the info press save and that's it so thanks for watching everyone do be sure to let us know in the below whether you found this tutorial helpful and if you did why not give us a like and Visit my side as well you know I'm gonna be yeah it'll be nice do be sure to check out other my side https://blogbayen.blogspot.com ( Blog )on screen here if you want to see more tutorials and until next time take care .

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Short Blog Link URL Converter

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